LETS Play MineCraft at Vivienne-Valeska.net

If you are invited to join my MineCraft world

Here are the instructions how to join ...

All required files are linked below

I assume you have version 1.19.3 of MineCraft already installed and MineCraft is not running.

My Minecraft World uses Minecraft 1.9.3 with the latest matching Forge.

You will need a recent Java Version installed!

If you haven't it installed yet, you must download the most recent Minecraft Java Version at Minecraft.net
After downloading it, just start the downloaded MinecraftInstaller.exe and follow the instructions.

To make sure you have Java installed press [WIN]+[R] and type cmd and then press OK.

In the black window type java -version and press [ENTER]

There should be something like that:

If you don't have Java installed, close the black window and go to Java.com, download and install Java and retry ...

Now download Forge Installer here and double click the downloaded file:

A small window will open:

choose Install client and click OK to install Forge. This may take some time.

Now start the minecraft launcher.
ATTENTION!!! At the first screen choose forge from here before you click the green Button Play or Spielen

After a while of loading you see this

If you see in the lower left corner Forge 44.1.0 you have Forge successfully installed

Now click on Mods and here

click Open Mods Folder/Mods Ordner öffnen.

This will open the Mods-Folder on your computer. Keep this Folder open for the next steps!

In Minecraft click Done/Fertig and Quit Game/Spiel beenden. Don't worry, we will start it a bit later again.

Now download the Mods as zip File . Maybe your Browser will show a warning. After finishing the download you need to unpack all files

On Windows it works like this:

Double click on the downloaded file

and you should see the mods

select all and drag them to the still open Mods-Folder (the one we opened from Minecraft).

Congratulations! You are finished with the prepare tasks.
Now you can close the Mods-Folder too and we can start playing!

Start Minecraft again (care that Forge is choosen!) and click PLAY

Choose Multiplayer here:

and click on AddServer here:

fill the lines and click done:

Finally choose the Götter PVP Server and click on Join Server/Server beitreten

!!! LET's HAVE FUN !!!